Introduction to C - Applications solved

1) Write a program that displays the text: "Hello!".
void main()
2) ) Write a program that displays the text "Hello!", so that the message must be sent through a variable of a type adapted correctly.
void main()
	char a[]="Hello!";
3) Write a program that displays the text "Hello!" so that the message appears to be sent through a variable of a type well suited to other types of memory.
void main()
	char* a="Hello!";
4) Write a program that displays the text "Hello!" so that the display is made by means of a user-defined function.
void display()
 void main()
5) Write a program that displays the text "Hello!" so that the display is carried out through a universal function, with the possibility of transmission of the chain parameter.
void display(char a[])
printf("%s", a);
void main()
6) Write a program that displays the text "Hello!" so that the display is achieved by a universal function, with the possibility of transmission of the string parameter, a different kind of writing.
void display(char* a)
	printf("%s", a);
void main()
7) Write a program to enter the desired string from the keyboard, then displays it on the screen.
void main()
	char* a;
	printf("Enter the string from the keyboard:");
8) Write a program that introduced from the keyboard the desired string, then it displays on the screen (other than the above version).
void main()
	char* a;
	printf("Enter the string from the keyboard:");
9) Calculate the sum of the integers as follows: given two values directly in the programs stored in two memory locations and calculate their sum.
void main()
	int a=3, b=7, c;
	printf("The sum of two numbers is: %d\n", c);
10) Calculate the sum of integers as follows: read two numbers from the keyboard and calculate their sum.
void main()
	int a,b;
	printf("Enter a=");
	scanf("%d", &a);
	printf("Enter b=");
	scanf("%d", &b);
	printf("Sum a+b=%d\n", a+b);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", &k);
11) Calculate the sum of integers as follows: read two numbers from the keyboard and calculate their sum and the result is obtained by means of a variable.
void main()
	int a,b;
	printf("Enter a:");
	scanf("%d", &a);
	printf("Enter b:");
	scanf("%d", &b);
	int c;
	printf("a+b=%d\n", c); 
	int k;
12) Calculate the sum of integers as follows: write a function that will sum two integers.
int sum (int x, int y)
	int s;
	return s;
void main()
	int a,b;
	printf("Enter a: "); scanf("%d",&a);
	printf("Enter b: "); scanf("%d",&b);
 	int c;
	printf("Sum is: %d\n",c);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
13) Calculate the sum of integers as follows: read two nombers from the keyboard and calculate their sum. Will write a function sum of two integers. The function returns the result by line parameters.
void sum(int x,int y,int* s)
void main()
	int a,b;
	printf("Enter a: "); scanf("%d",&a);
	printf("Enter b: "); scanf("%d",&b);
	int c;
	printf("Sum is: %d\n",c); 
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
14) You have to write a function that calculates the arithmetic average of two integers.
int average (int x, int y)
	int av;
	return av;
void main ()
	int a, b;
	printf("Enter a: ");
	scanf("%d", &a);
	printf("Enter b: ");
	scanf("%d", &b);
	int m;
	printf("Arithmetic average is: %d\n", m);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
15) Calculate the arithmetic average of two integers, as follows: read two numbers from the keyboard and their arithmetic mean is calculated. Will write a function that calculates the average of two integers. The function returns the result of the line parameters.
void average(int a, int b, int* c)
void main()
	int x,y;
	printf("Enter x: ");
	scanf("%d", &x);
	printf("Enter y: ");
	scanf("%d", &y);
 	int z;
	printf("Arithmetic average is: %d", z);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
16) Calculate the arithmetic average of two integers.
void main()
	int a,b;
	printf("Enter a: ");
	scanf("%d", &a);
	printf("Enter b: ");
	scanf("%d", &b);
	int s=a+b;
	float m=(float)s/2;
	printf("Sum is: %d\n", s);
	printf("Arithmetic average is: %.2f", m);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
17) Calculate 2 to the power n, where n is an integer read from the keyboard.
void main()
	int n;
	printf("Enter n:");
	scanf("%d", &n);
	int p=1;
	//The shift operators shift their first operand left (<<) 
	//or right (>>) by the number of positions the second operand specifies
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
18) It is read a decimal number and one in hexa up to 4 digits each and are required to display those values ​​in the systems numbered 10, 8 and 16.
void main()
	unsigned int a,b;
	printf("Enter a decimal integer: ");
	printf("Enter a hexadecimal integer: ");
	printf("\ndecimal integer:\tBase 10: %u\tBase 8: %#o\tBase 16: %#X",a,a,a);
	printf("\nhexadecimal integer:\tBase 10: %u\tBase 8: %#o\tBase 16: %#X",b,b,b); 
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
19) Make a routine that uses increment (decrement) after and prefixed.
void main()
	int val=1;
	printf("using postfix %d\n", val++);
	printf("use after incrementing %d\n", val);
	printf("use prefix%d\n", ++val);
	printf("use after incrementing %d\n", val);
	printf("use postfix %d\n", val--);
	printf("use after decrement %d\n", val);
	printf("use prefix %d\n", --val);
	printf("use after decrement %d\n", val);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
20) Execute a routine that performs work on bits.
void main()
	unsigned int a=5;
	const int b=7;
	printf("%d <or on bits> %d is %d\n", a,b, a|b);
	printf("%d <and on bits> %d is %d\n", a,b, a&b);
	printf("%d <or exclusively on bits> %d is %d\n", a,b, a^b);
	printf("5 <complemented on bits> is %u variable is on %u bytes\n",~a,sizeof(a));
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
21) Write a program that reads the value of x, positive, displays the values of x, [x], {x}, calculates and displays the value of the following expression : 5*x*[x]-3*{x}+15.
void main()
	double x;
	int y;		//for the entire
	double z; 	//for the decimal
	printf("Enter x:");
	scanf("%lf", &x);
	printf("x= %g\t", x);
	printf("[x]= %d\t", y=x);
	printf("{x}= %f\t", z=x-y);
	printf("e=%g\n", 5*x*x-3*z+15);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
22) Determine the maximum and minimum of two integers.
#define max(x,y) x>y?x:y //#define=give meaningful name to a constant from program
#define min(x,y) x<y?x:y
void main()
	int x,y;
	printf("Enter x: ");
	scanf("%d", &x);
	printf("Enter y: ");
	scanf("%d", &y);
	printf("\n\Max is: %d\n", max(x,y));
	printf("\n\Min is: %d\n", min(x,y));
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
23) It is given three real nombers a, b, c. They can represent the lengths of the sides of a triangle?
void main()
	float a,b,c;
	printf("Give side lengths:\n");
	scanf("%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);
	(a>=0 && b>=0 && c>=0 && a<b+c && b<a+c && c<a+b)?printf("\t %4.2f, %4.2f si %4.2f triangle formed.",a,b,c):printf ("\t Not form triangle.");
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
24) Write a program that reads n integer and displays the value of the expression: n / (n +1) with 15 decimal places.
void main()
	int n;
	printf("Enter n:");
	scanf("%d", &n);
	float e;
	printf("Expression value is: %.15f", e);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
25) Determine the maximum and the minimum of two integers, using macros.
#define max(x,y) x>y?x:y
#define min(x,y) x<y?x:y
void main()
	int x, y;
	printf( "Enter x and y:\n");
	scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);
	printf("\n\tMax is: %d", max(x,y));
	printf("\n\tMin is: %d", min(x,y));
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
26) Write a program to calculate the number of feet in a yard, where he yag g chickens, p cats and a man.
void main()
	int g,p;
	printf("\nEnter the number of chickens:" );
	scanf("%d", &g);
	printf("\nEnter the number of cats:" );
	scanf("%d", &p);
	printf("\n\tNumber of legs is: %d", g*2+p*4+2);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
27) Use conditional operator to check if x is a real number in [a, b), where a and b are given by the keyboard.
void main()
 	float x;
	printf("Enter x:");
	scanf("%f", &x);
	int a,b;
	printf("Enter a: ");
	scanf("%d", &a);
	printf("Enter b: ");
	scanf("%d", &b);
	(x>=a&&x<b) ? printf("\n\tX is in the interval[%d %d)", a,b) : printf("\n\tX not in the interval [%d %d)", a,b);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
28) Write a program that reads the value of the variable x and displays the value of the function f(x) :
      |3*x*x+7*x-10  x<0
f(x)= |2             x=0
      |4*x*x         x>0 
void main()
	int x;
	printf("Enter x:");
	scanf("%d", &x);
	int k;
	scanf("%d", k);
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